Friday, May 31, 2002

More Hot Shots Golf
I really think my appetite for gaming has fallen off the table lately. One game has proven that given a quality title, I can still be sucked in. Hot Shots Golf 3 is that game. Zakk, Mike, and I stayed up until three AM, passing the controller to the left every time you tied or lost a hole in match play to the computer--trying to unlock more characters. John Daly was a bitch, but we unlocked him. Only five more to go! This game rules!

The Elusive GOOD Night at Best Buy
Well, I have to work at 4:15 at Best Buy. But thankfully, I know it won't be that bad tonight. Why? Simply because I'm working with Joseph, who is my favorite boss, plus the chances are slim to none that I will be doing Customer Service. Priscilla Netto will be there--and since CS is her forté, I will be allowed to spend my night tasking. Tasking rules! Basically, I will be presented with a big cart of DVD movies. My job? Put movies on shelf--answer questions regarding DVDs. Simple, easy, and the time flies by. It's shifts like this that I actually (GASP!) enjoy Best Buy.

Thursday, May 30, 2002

Hot Shots Golf 3
This game is totally and completely badass. I've been enjoying the demo copy at Best Buy for weeks, and I'm glad I finally have one to call my own.

Drunken adventures at Squaw Creek
I've been waiting for the grand re-opening of The Job Squad to post this. After commencement (graduation for those less inclined), I headed over to Ward's house, as he had a lot of family in town celebrating. Mike and Matt both indulged in adult beverages (AKA Alcohol) and after they got good and laced, Ward got the idea that we should go golfing. It was 12:35 at night, but no matter, we could go golfing. So Ward and Mike jumped in my car, and we headed out to the Squaw Creek Golf Course.

After Ward, who could barely walk straight, duffed his tee-off so bad we had no clue where his ball even went, Mike and Matt just started running around. Matt ran up to me, and we had the following exchange:

Matt: You sm--you smell good.

Adam: I know, I'm wearing some Cur--

Matt: Adam, you smell good!! Sexy guy! Adam's--smell Adam! Adam smells good! DUDE, get off my six iron!

Mike: Dude...


Mike: Dude...

Matt: GET OFF!!

Mike: Agghhhh... OW... Ward lemme fucking...

You get the idea. Later on, Ward and Mike both laid down on the ground and started ROLLING around. They were screaming "wheeeeeeeeeeee!!" and telling me how I should do it too--it was so much fun. Not much later, Mike grabbed the first hole pin and threw it in a tree. Good times!

Bayz just reminded me... now that summer is here, BOWLING returns! Every Monday night, we'll make a trek out to the CR Bowling Center to get our bowl on again. Let's Bowl!

Saturday, May 25, 2002

After a long day of moving, it's finally looking like my work paid off. My surround system sounds the best it ever has down in the basement... because I took over 3 hours to wire the damned thing. The computer is now closer to the door, which is nice, because no one can sneak up on you anymore (way cool) and it's farther away from the noise of the TV and game systems.

Oh, and Chad is still King GT3.

Wednesday, May 15, 2002

Attack of the Clones
Suave Swift, Charlie, myself, Jamie, and Mike Keesy are all headed to the midnight showing of Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones at midnight tonight. I am super stoked. w00h00t!

Tuesday, May 07, 2002

Seattle Slew died!
Seattle Slew, the last surviving triple crown winner, passed away in a stall this morning. But fear not, I'm sure he'll make fine piano wire, jello, and glue.

Hahaha, WWF is no more. It's now the WWE, World Wrestling Entertainment. The new logo? Photoshop the 'F' part off, and you've got it. That just sounds lame.

Monday, May 06, 2002

More Spiderman
I wasn't attacking the original Batman or Batman Returns for commercialism at all--please re-read my post. I was only attacking Batman Forever and Batman and Robin regarding excessive commercialism--it seemed like they were trying to correct for the utter lack of mainstream appeal in the original Batman and Batman Returns by making BF and B&R too far mainstream--getting away from the source material.

The whole argument was regarding source material--some had complained that Spider-man was unauthentic because he didn't make his own web slinging device--and I'm just arguing that certain liberties are allowed when the whole movie doesn't stray TOO far from the source.

Batman and Batman Forever were ridiculous close to the comic book--that's true--but that failed to make the movies appealing to mainstream audiences--versus Spider-man and X-Men took certain liberties and made great cinema for comic book movies. I personally think Burton is overrated.

Sunday, May 05, 2002

Whatever will we do without someone to make fun of people, call them gay, and talk about masturbation and shit 24/7? The Job Squad will DIE without Chad!!!

Saturday, May 04, 2002

Begun this Angst War has...
I hereby challenge Swifty to Angst War 2002... whomever can write the most angsty poetry wins. Here's my opening shot:

>>pulled Angsty poetry since Swift refuses to compete--he's in Angst denial<<

Re: Re: Spiderman
I stand by my statement. I still feel X-Men was light years beyond Batman and Superman. Batman was too fucking dark, too fucking weird, and too fucking stupid. I don't care if it was true to the comic book or not, there has never been a good Batman movie. The original Batman was decent at best, but Batman Returns? What the hell? Batman Returns was disgusting and ridiculous. Admittedly, Tim Burton did a good job with the CINEMATOGRAPHY on the first two--yes, they were dark and well-shot, but Keaton was Batman? I never bought it.

IMDb ratings:
X-Men: 7.4 (21,363 votes)
Batman: 7.2 (18,353 votes)
Batman Returns: 6.3 (11,179 votes)
Spider-Man: 8.1 (335 votes)

The cinematography on X-Men was great... the muted colors of World War II Poland, the bright colors of Professor X's school, the dynamic effects shots in the finale... Bryan Singer did an excellent job. Hugh Jackman was fab as Wolvie, Patrick Stewart was born to play Professor Charles Xavier, Famke Janssen was a great Jean Gray, whoever played Cyclops was good--in fact, my only complaint was Anna Paquin as Rogue. But oh well, X-Men was perfect--dark when it had to be--light when it had to be--exciting, dynamic, and fair changes for the silver screen.

Fans need to accept the fact that nothing will ever translate to the silver screen exactly as it was in the original medium--it is to be expected that changes are going to be made in order to make it more palitable for the general audiences. I think Spider-Man and X-Men's changes were well done and made the movies appealing to not only fans, but also to Joe Q. Sixpack. Batman and Batman Returns failed to make the necessited changes for mass appeal, and to me, they were unappealing. Batman Forever and Batman & Robin tried to be toooo mainstream, and by getting too far away from the source material, they floundered too--here's hoping Aranofsky can find the perfect middle ground, as Raimi and Singer have.

I caught a showing of Spider-Man with Ward and Keesy last night. I had talked to Ward about going to the 10:45 showing before we went to our respective jobs (True Value for him, Best Buy for me), and I told him I'd go buy tickets before I went to work at 6. He told me to ask Mike if he wanted to go, and Mike said:

AdamBrewer (4:34:52 PM): I really should go get Spidey tickets
AdamBrewer (4:34:59 PM): to make sure we get in
TheEther3unny (4:35:11 PM): idk its not gonna be that big...
AdamBrewer (4:35:41 PM): it's in three theatres
AdamBrewer (4:35:48 PM): they haven't done three threatres since The Phantom Menace
TheEther3unny (4:36:37 PM): ahh
TheEther3unny (4:37:00 PM): im not gonna go...
AdamBrewer (4:37:15 PM): to Spidey?
TheEther3unny (4:37:19 PM): yah
AdamBrewer (4:37:24 PM): why not
TheEther3unny (4:37:25 PM): i dont really want to see it that bad

So I went out and picked up tickets for Ward and I, then went to Best Buy. I served my time, then got in touch with Ward and Mike... who were together at this point. I told Ward I had a ticket for him, and he said, "Well, what about Mike?" I told him, "Mike said he wasn't going to go." Ward replied, "He just said it didn't look that great--not that he didn't want to go!" I said, "Okay, whatever..." (knowing full well what he had said...) I told them I was going straight to Wynnsong, and I'd see if I could pick up another ticket for 10:45. No such luck--they were sold out.

So, we planted Mike in the bathroom while Ward and I went in and scoped out seats. Then Ward went into the bathroom and slipped Mike his ticket stub. Long story short, Mike got into a sold out movie for free, and Ward and I paid the heart stopping price of $7.50. Damn, that's such a friggin' rip off.

As for the movie, simply bad assed. I was not expecting a whole lot, so I was pleasently surprised at how good it actually was. Tobey Maguire was beyond perfect for the KNF role of Peter Parker, and Kirsten Dunst... woah... she should stay a red-head... let's just say that. The CGI wasn't obnoxious or ridiculous like The Phantom Menace, it was seamless and well done. The storyline was well done too--we could see what drove Peter Parker, what drove the Green Goblin, the tender romance between Mary Jane and Peter was perfect too--not underdone--not overly sappy.... just perfect and believable (as believable as you can get in a superhero movie)... move over X-Men, there's a new king of comic book movies, and it's Spider-man. Highly recommended!

While surfing through the Night-Storm page, I happened to run across a picture WITH PAT HIDDER IN IT. DIE PAT!!!!!!!

Friday, May 03, 2002

Shaq Pack
I heartilly reccomend BK's new Shaq Pack. It's a grilled sourdough bacon cheeseburger, fries, CHEESE dipping sauce, and a drink. The price, after tax? $4.50 exactly. Damn, they're good!

Thursday, May 02, 2002

New Veterans Memorial Stadium
I'm saddened by the patronage at New Veterans Memorial Stadium thus far. It's really been nothing short of pathetic. How can a team sell out their first game, then not even come close to that again? The attendence has only topped 2000 once, and that was on a Friday night, and it was barely over 2000. The amount of empty seats at every Kernels game is really not cool at all. I can only hope that it picks up as summer approaches...

Sidewalk Party
From the moment I get out of school, I shall be there. Rumor has it, of course, that advance ticket sales will be beginning shortly... which would make that fairly moot.

Re:Re:Re:Re: President Bush
Swift, how in the world can you be such a hypocrite as to criticize him and say he's a moron after commending him on his efforts during the Sept. 11 stuff? I hate little money-sucking democrats. GO REPUBLICANS!

The Clones
The Clones Attack in TWO WEEKS, BABY! WHOOOO! Who's excited as hell about it? (Besides me?)

EDIT: am I the only person who isn't really stoked about Spider-Man? I'm predicting that it'll actually be quite lame.

EDIT: w00t! I still have my ticket stub from Episode One... is that disgusting or what? It's kind of faded, but you can still clearly see 5/19/99--OPENING NIGHT. I did absolutely zero waiting in line, yet Andrew Swift, Zakk Brewer, Eric Langston, and Adam Brewer all saw The Phantom Menace opening night. Oh God, I remember it like it was yesterday.

Adam Brewer fucked around with this message at 9:06 PM.

The Bill Clinton Show!
Looks like der Schlicht Meister isn't going anywhere--he wants to be the next Oprah! Yessirree, Slick Willy wants his own TV show, and is currently in negotiations with NBC. Don't believe me? Check the source.

Source: Los Angeles Times

Car Audio
What is the deal with stealing Car Audio? This is getting ridiculous... with Josh Trumblee stealing Mike Keesy's faceplate out of his Jeep, then telling Mike in class the next day, "I was in your car, but didn't steal your faceplate..." and now Charlie having his entire deck stolen when his car was parked in his driveway OFF his private drive--that's just retarded.

Why? I have no doubt that whoever stole Charlie's deck was someone that knew him personally and decided that they wanted a discount. It had to be someone who knew Charlie pretty well--it's not like his house is someplace you can easily just drive on by if you didn't know him.

Where do these people get their value systems screwed up and whacked out? I feel proud everytime I buy something and I know I worked hard and earned it. I smile at all the stuff I've purchased since I got a job. How can you feel you deserve something for nothing?
It sickens me with how careful I have to be with my car audio deck--I regret already posting about it on this page, but the damage was done. Honestly, I'm paranoid now.

President Bush
While a lot of people were attributing President Bush's discontinuous jump in approval ratings to nothing more than the War on Terrorism, Gallup pollsters are suggesting that eight months later, his continued high marks must be the result of more than a War jump... in other words, after the groundswell of support for Bush, people took another look at him and realized what a great guy he truly is (and why I've been behind him since day one, baby).

Source: USA Today

Funny Away Messages
This is giving mad props to chuck for his away messages. Whenever I'm looking for a hearty chuckle, I look up his info and laugh hysterically. "Mad Love" to the man I deem king of funny away messages.