Sunday, April 28, 2002

Re: Spiderman
Charlie, couldn't agree with you more. My brother got Spider-man for his birthday last Tuesday, and I've played spidey quite frequently. The graphics are sweet, and the storyline is good, with the only annoying part being the lack of levels. Also, the fighting system is real cool with combo's of various types that need to be unlocked in order to be used and web trickz that are off the hingez. It's definitely a game worth buying.

Rating: 8.5/10

Something to think about..
To all football players or anyone out there doing tasks involving brute strength and a desire to beat some heads in, what would you think about using PCP? Think about it. You'd have some superhuman strength, and be without a concience for a good portion of time. Previous users have reported effects of being able to rip off their facial skin with a broken piece of glass, while others have shown that 8 cops trying to hold them down is not even a challenge. Both of these effects definitely show that if used, you can be a tru' badass. Just something to think about for anyone out thurr thinking about using some LEGAL supplements. Here are some fun facts about PCP thanks to ceapz.

Saturday, April 27, 2002

New Deck!
I got a new Kenwood deck for my car, and it is definately badass.
Check it out!

Friday, April 26, 2002

Finally, the rally ends!
Congrats Swift on being selected to Vice-President of the Class of 2004. I'm sure you'll be re-elected next year once your classmates see what a kickass job you do!

Thursday, April 25, 2002

Something You Woulda Never Guessed
I got my first invitations to graduation parties today--two of 'em to be exact... and you'd never guess who they were from. Okay, pick two people and put them in your head. Got 'em?
Amanda House and Ashley Ernst(highlight to read)

Yeah, I was surprised too!

Tuesday, April 23, 2002

Swifty and Brood War
Swifty beat Brood War in a single night. He played it all night and beat the entire game in one night. Disgusting!

Summers of Yore
With summer rapidly approaching, I've been reminiscing about the summers of years past. I always define summers by major events that occurred in them, or whatever brings that feeling back of goofing around and freedom.

Summer of 1999
Wow, this one remains more vivid than any other. Everything about the summer of '99 remains in my head. We kicked it off with 8 straight hours of StarCraft, midnight to 8 AM. It was like 8 guys staying up the whole night (except Swifty, whom we ICQed like a mofucker for not playing). However, before the summer ever started, Star Wars made its return to our lives with Episode One: The Phantom Menace. We loved that movie like no other; we were too foolish to realize how much it sucked. Of course, Austin Powers 2 also came out that summer... I'll never forget seeing it at 1 PM at the Collins 5, then heading over to Lindale Tilt and playing War. Remember that game, Nick? Later that day, 'Da Coww Farm was born.

Of course, this was before the cable internet revolution--we all had dial up and we liked it. The best dialup ISP on the planet was AT&T WorldNet, which Nick had, as well as my family. These days were the infancy of MP3s--no Napster, no Morpheus, no KaZaA, no Grokster, no NMP3s--we had Internet Relay Chat,, FTP servers, and MP3 Fiend, and dammit, we liked it. Ah, the days of finding an FTP and leeching it dry at 3 K/second...

I remember Zakk and Nick getting all excited and going to see Wild Wild West, only to have it suck copious amounts of wang. Nick damn near lived at our house at that point... honestly... he was always there... and who could forget when we finally got a CD Burner, and were second to only Rob (as far as I remember) to have one? Soon: Summer of 2000 reminiscence...

Monday, April 22, 2002

One Good Thing About Best Buy
Despite my constant bitching about Best Buy, there is one VERY VERY good thing about Best Buy, aside from the employee discount. What is it? The Shrink Check, baby.

Allow me to explain. As with any good business, Best Buy creates budgets for nearly everything: budgets for revenue, budgets for labor, and of course, budgets for theft, or as it is known in Best Buy lingo, 'shrink'. Of course, it's every single Best Buy employee's job to try and prevent shrink in every possible manner--whether its watching the Rap aisle with an eagle eye or keeping tabs on the four guys wearing winter coats on an 80 degree day who reek of reefer across the store... we do everything we can to STOMP SHRINK.

This is one of the few places where your hard work can, and does pay off. Best Buy budgets 0.20% of the store's revenue to shrink yearly. Of course, when we perform physical inventory (that is, count everything in the store) and our actual level of shrink is less than the budgeted level... what happens? There's extra money figuratively 'laying around'. Now here's the cool part: Best Buy takes the majority of that money, divides it up between all the employees at the store, and adds it to one of their paychecks--in other words, a bonus for stopping theft.

How much was Cedar Rapids (Store 20) under budget this year? Try to the tune of $62,000. Divide that by 120 employees, and everyone gets a $500+ bonus. Everyone gets the same amount too, it's not like supervisors or seniors get a bigger cut--it's the same for all.

So this Friday, I will have added a hefty chunk of cash to my pocket.

Sunday, April 21, 2002

Re: TV
There's little, if anything on TV that's worthwhile anymore. While sometimes it's better than nothing, more often than not, there's many things I'd rather do. I know some people like to have the TV on while they use the computer, but to me it's noise and annoyance, and I turn it off. I always enjoy my weekly dose of Survivor, but past that, there's nothing I really care passionately enough about to watch on a regular basis.

Re: TV
Charlie, I agree with most of your opinion of TV. The only other channels worth watching for me are those concerning sports, i.e. CBS, NBC, ABC, ESPN, ESPN 2, and other ESPN affiliates. Props to Junkyard Wars and Discovery Channel's war shows. And Inside the E.R. on TLC is pretty sweet too.

Something to Ponder
Ever think of committing suicide? Here's Maddox's helpful guide to making your decision. Suicide?

Re: Cold and Shitty Sundays
No shit Charlie, it's gonna be like barely 45 tomorrow--on Senior Skip Day!! I want those sweaty-balled days of last week to return!

Another Interesting Link
It never fails for Adam House to send me some amusing videos. Here's another comedic episode for you all to enjoy. Crazy Funneyz

Senior Skip Day
w00t! Three day weekend for seniors! My mom is calling me in (it's Monday).

Thursday, April 18, 2002

I Hate my Cat
God, I have a newfound passion for hating my cat. The damn thing just had the nerve to walk into my room thinking he could be nice and cute to me, and then coughed up a hairball and shit on my carpet. All the meanwhile, I didn't notice this and wondered why my room suddenly smelled like poop. I wondered to myself, "My farts can't really be this bad can they?" Sure enough they weren't as I searched for the cause of my pungent smelling room. I turned under the chair which accompanies my computer and right there I spotted the waste left. Fortunately my mom came down and cleaned it up while I went in the shower and washed off my feet, fearing that I had stepped in this pile of scat. If any of the writers/readers feel like being cruel to an animal, please feel free to come over and give my cat the big boot.

Monday, April 15, 2002

I Aspire to be Like This Man!
One day, after years of pumping iron, taking steroids/creatine, and getting muslce implants, I too will look like this incredible hoss.

Something to do in Your Spare Time
Adam House sent me this link G Dub Dancing! I thought it was quite amusing and hope you will too.

I think of all the dj's I've listened to...I have to hand the best award to DJ Assault, but in close second is DJ Doc. DJ Assault's whole Jefferson Ave. Cd kicks serious ass, and is one cd i never got tired of bumping to in my badass car. But Nick sent me DJ Doc and he really kicks ass with his hardcore beats. Definitely recommend all readers download his song DJ Doc - Bounce with me.

Pat, the new lineman coach
Pat is now officially our new lineman coach. From my experiences with him last year I'm not too excited, but then again it's not that bad... I mean comeon, it's PAT. I <3 Pat. He had a meeting today after school in which he went over some expectations and other shizzy I can't really remember. Anyway, the cool part is none other than WE GOT FREE KEYS!! Every desk had a paper about what we need to do as lineman and a FREE, BLANK key! The key's significance = pride or guilt. Either we feel pride after working hard, or guilt after sitting on our asses. I think the key is the coolest thing I have ever gotten and I <3 it with all my <3.

I am looking forward to next season.

At this point
At this point, you can lick my balls. And everyone going to the D concert tonight sucks nutez too (I'm just really jealous). Cold kick it up for me and bring me back some apparrel; otherwise there's gonna be an ass beating.

Chad, ROTY = Rookie of the Year, you dumb fucking heeb.

Edit: I did that intentionally, Charlie.

Sunday, April 14, 2002

w00t! I just ate a klondike bar. They are most def one of the best snack foods of all time. Any other snack foods that people prefer?

Ghosts In The Graveyard!
Last night I was bored as hell and really had no clue what to do. So very much to my surprise, Jessica Keene gave me a ring and asked if I wanted to do something. I couldn't go over to her house (no boys when no parents home), and I wasn't about to have her over here judging by the mood Zakk was in, so I said we'd have to go and do something. We really couldn't think of anything to do, so I was really greatful when Scott Monroe rang me up and asked if I wanted to come over and play, get this, Hide and Go Seek. I'm not making this up. Jessica was a little hesitant (she figured it was a lame excuse for another drinking party), but we went out there anyway and checked it out. As we pulled in, I immediately pointed out Lilica (Ann Cary's car), and Jessica was immediately at ease. Ann stays far away from events like that. But Ann was leaving, so that still left a little uncertainty.

As we walked up, I took in the players in tonight's games. Nick Kilburg, Nichole DeKlotz, Suzanne Crumley, Scott Monroe, Erick Scanlon, Eric Langston, Tyler Bleau, Nathan Handler, Alan Best, Bram Tripp, myself, and Jessica Keene would be participating. We started things off with a little Ghosts In The Graveyard, which was a little boring because Scott's area is waaaaay big and really, lent itself to few popping out opportunities. In fact, they just yelled "Ghosts In The Graveyard!" and ran back to base without even seeing me (the joke was on me, so to speak).

Next we played Kick The Can. This game kicks ass. Two 'spotters' with flashlights have to point their beam at someone and yell their name to send them to jail. However, if someone who is free kicks the can, everyone in jail is freed and can go on their merry way. Nichole and I were the first spotters and we cleaned up quickly. This ended up being a lot of fun, but again, a little slow paced.

After a few rounds of Kick The Can, we played Capture the Flag. That ended up being a lot of fun too, due to Scott's mad running skills (he is so fast it makes your head spin).

Just how weird is it that I am a senior in high school and I ran around last night screaming "GHOSTS IN THE GRAVEYARD!!"? Maybe weird, but good clean fun too. :)

Golly Gee Whitakers!
As of right now we have 196 hits in exactly one week after forming this website. I'm so excited I think that I need to shake my sillies out! I think that I have to hit the bathroom before I tinkle in my shorts...

Willy Beamen
He keeps the ladies creaming. I wish I could be as smooth of a playa as big Willy.

Hy-Vee Classics
Who could forget the Hy-Vee classics? With hits such as Shelby Lynne's "Gotta Get Back", Ricky Martin's "She's All I Ever Had", David Gray's "Babylon", Britney Spears' "Sometimes", Gary Wright's "Dreamweaver", Sugar Ray's "Someday", 98 Degrees' "I Do (Cherish You)", The Monkee's "I'm A Believer" and many, many other greats from the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s, Hy-Vee has successfully come up with a mix of music that absolutely no one can enjoy. You can also hear the same music feed at Wendy's and Godfather's among others, but I know it best from Hy-Vee.

But I suppose it's better than Best Buy Radio's 3 hour running time before it repeats. That's right, Best Buy "Radio" is nothing more than 3 CDs in a changer. I'll never forget the month of December... being subjected to "Hey Baby" and "Get This Party Started" ad nauseum was awful. I actually kinda miss the Hy-Vee classics.

w00t, it just came up my street. I had to get a ninja turtle ice cream. wait, i hate those fucking turtles. DIE YOU FUCKING TURTLES. I HATE ALL YOU FUCKING TURTLES. DIE DIE DIE.

Re: Best Buy and Pop-Ups
Charlie is right, a lot of ads come out of your registry--they are installed with programs you install that use adware. One of the WORST is KaZaA. If you install KaZaA, you're fucked. you have so much shit on your computern now! Use Grokster instead.

Another Good Thing About Hy-Vee
Annette. Need I say more?
Annette was a shift manager at Hy-Vee. She was attractive, she was nice, and she was fair. I <3 Annette. The other female shift manager was Megan Kalamaja. She was portly, bitchy, and not very nice to be around (unless you were on her good side).

One Good Thing About Working at Hy-Vee
The breaks. Best Buy = break nazis. It's 15 minutes for every four hours of work. A 6.5 hour shift = one fifteen minute break that you sometimes don't even get. Then you go into the breakroom, eat some crappy vending machine food, then go back to work. I miss my 20 minute breaks at Hy-Vee.... ah yes. Go up to the deli, and get Fried Chicken, Potatoes, and Oreo Cream, plus a pop for 4 bucks. That was awesome.

The only time Best Buy is okay about breaks is if you work an 8 hour shift. Then you get two fifteen minute breaks, plus a half-hour lunch. That is ownage. Too bad I haven't gotten an eight hour shift since I was seasonal staff!

Oreo Cream and Heavenly Pudding
How about Nick's swipe of the Heavenly Pudding to the Deli, then eating it without paying? Hahahaha. Then they hired a known thief! That's funny.

Or how about the time Nick, Zakk, and Rob each bought the huge container (like 24 ounces) of Oreo Cream? They each ate about half before they declared it the nastiest thing ever (they used to love getting it on their breaks) and now they will all cringe when you even mention it. Ahahahaha.

Why I Hate Working At Best Buy
I'm sure several of you have noticed that over time, my opinion of my job at Best Buy has slowly shifted from euphoric joy to complete and utter hatred. Why such a shift? What has caused this? A variety of issues are the root, of which I shall share with you today.

First off, scheduling. When I started at BBY (abbreviation for Best Buy I'll use from here on out) in the beginning of November, I was considered Occasional/Seasonal staff. Mike Keesy, myself, Peter J. Taylor, and a man named Rick Cook were all the O/S bitches of the Media department (Media = DVDs, VHS, CDs, Video Games, Computer Software). Because of the craziness of Christmas, I was getting a TON of hours and loving it. All they would do was stick me in the video games area and tell me to sell accessories and product replacement plans with every game system sold. This wasn't hard--parents without a clue as to what they needed were more than willing to take every ounce of advice you offered--a controller, memory card, replacement plan, a couple games, maybe some Monster Cable, a carrying case, whatever. They told us we were the "Smart Friend" making sure everyone had the "Complete Solution". It was really pretty fun--it was fast paced, exciting, and fun to get paid to talk about Video Games. I was working 18-24 hours a week and that was awesome. I really liked everyone in my department, save my supervisor Cory, and another part-timer named Heather.

Then the Christmas season ended. We were informed that two out of the four occasional/seasonal workers would be kept on as part-timers. Mike and I earned the spots through our hard work and performance. The moment the Christmas season was over, I noticed something was wrong with my schedule. I had eight hours. 8. At Hy-Vee, my schedule was never less than 18 hours a week--which was great when payday came--I could expect a solid $200 check every two weeks, which was plenty enough to finance my crazed buying habits I had (go to Best Buy, get a new DVD every Tuesday). Best Buy was even better during the holiday season, I was getting like $300+ every two weeks, and I had a great discount to make my purchases go farther. But getting $130 paychecks really sucks balls--especially considering we've moved out and I'm expected to pay for more than I was at Palomino.

So first issue is scheduling, I'm getting roughly 8-12 hours a week (as are all the part-timers). I found out that this was due to the fact that we had two full-timers, when we're only supposed to have one, and one more part-timer than we were supposed to have (Heather was to be canned at the end of the holiday season, but fear of a sexual discrimination lawsuit ended that idea). But I will tell you this: even now with the second full-timer gone, I'm still getting 12 at the most per week. That seemed like some BS excuse more than anything, and we still have an extra part-timer and an extra senior. (Seniors are full-timers who are bosses, but not quite supervisors)

So I'm not really getting many hours now. During the winter, when I was spending a lot of time at the store, I could really get into a groove and have a fairly easy time selling stuff. Sales, like anything else, is something you have to practice to stay sharp at. Giving me 8 hours a week (six of which are hours in which the store is open), is not nearly enough time to stay sharp. I have difficulty selling shit, and then I get yelled at for it.

We're expected to sell shit no one wants too. It's absolutely asinine to say "MSN: every customer, every time", meaning I'm expected to offer DIAL-UP MSN service to every customer in my department, including someone just browsing through CDs!! I've had my cable modem for over two years now, and I can't even imagine going back to dial-up. With Cable Modem technology actually getting up there in age, I can't imagine what's coming next--and I'm supposed to force people into a two-year contract of dial-up service? That's bullshit. I can see offering it to everyone purchasing over $75 of stuff (9 month MSN gives you a $75 shopping spree, 2 years gives you $200), but to someone buying a CD? That's crap. I'm expected to shove MSN, a Game Doctor, and CD/DVD Storage to every single person I talk to, and I'm expected to talk to every single person in the entire department (of which is by-far the busiest in the store). If I spent that much time on every customer, I'd never get around. If I get around to everyone, I can't mention everything. There's no way to win.

Then when the store finally closes, there's a "closing meeting", where they applaud all the other departments if they had a nice night, then bitch at the other departments if they had bad nights. Media is never recognized because we are perennially the shittiest department in the store. One night we actually had an amazing night (9.7% of all business was accessories, that's amazing) and they didn't even mention us. The meetings are like coaching periods, where they try and get us fired up--but it just doesn't work.

Then there's our new boss, Danielle Ruhberg, or just Dani. She's an evil bitch, no two ways around it. Perfect example: Mike wanted to go to the sub-state basketball game and asked me if I'd switch nights with him (he worked that night, I worked the next). Mike and I started at Best Buy at the same time, and have nearly identical sets of skills. We are both similarly, if not identically trained, yet she denied him, refusing to give a reason. That's the kind of crap there's no excuse for; just some evil bitch trying to be mean just because she can. That's not going to create a fun and friendly working environment if she's being mean just because she wants to be.

If I could get into a different department, I have little doubt I'd enjoy BBY a lot more, but it still doesn't seem like it's gonna happen anytime soon. But I'll be damned if I don't at least try to get moved. With Mike, John, and Heather all looking for different jobs (they are the other three highschoolers in our department), maybe if I'm patient, I can start getting nice hours if they all take off.

I'll say one thing: the discount makes it really hard for me to want to quit. That's the one thing keeping me. The glorious, glorious employee discount.

Re: Mediacom
Mediacom isn't responsible for the content of any sites on the 'net--if they code popups, so be it. And if you really hate popups, there are several programs that can take care of those evil vile bastards for you. Here's a couple:

Analog X's POW!
Panic Ware's Pop-up Stopper
Meaya Popup Ad Filter

Source: The Awful Forums

RE: Work
Working at CRCC isn't bad. It does suck that I didn't get off until 8:30 tonight, but hey, what can you do when every fucking member comes to play golf this morning and every fucking member expects their clubs to be clean and polished by tomorrow.

Charlie's Kicking Adventures
Today around 5ish I think, Zakk, Charlie, Andy Seyfer, Nick, and I all went over to the the nce off of Mt. Vernon Rd. We all went inside and sat down next to Adam on the couch or in the surrounding area, goofing around and being funny. I then got a hold of Adam's new cell phone (which rules) and was trying to figure out how to find his ringers he had downloaded. In the mean time, some alert or something went off and a certain someone's name came up (I won't say for the sake of my ass) and I laughed about it. Charlie overheard the name I mentioned, got into one of his funny moods, and proceeded to kick Adam multiple times in the knees. This span of volleying kicks knocked Adam backwards into the wall/glass table, causing the table to collapse and Adam to end on top of the pile. Zakk freaked out, yelled, and ran out the door going to grab his food while the rest of us looked on in amazement of what happened. Fortunately, Adam was cool about it and let it slide....and the whole mess was fixed besides a picture frame.

Saturday, April 13, 2002

Police in the Neighborhood
Swifty, did you call the police last night? For all those that don't know, apparently some kids were running through the backwoods of Stacey's and Swifty's homes with flashlights on and the cops came with the pig helicopter circling overhead. Just curious what was really going on. Also, whoever the little punks are that run through that neighborhood at night and hit the cars with eggs are going to get some serious payback.

Aren't I a stinker?
AdamBrewer: did you hear about the Easter Egg in War3?
AndrewSwft: What is it?
AdamBrewer: You can play as Zerg
AndrewSwft: WHAT?
AndrewSwft: HOW!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?
AdamBrewer: once you beat Single Player with all 4 races
AdamBrewer: Zerg becomes playable
AdamBrewer: no where
AdamBrewer: I made it up
AdamBrewer: haha
AndrewSwft: YOU BASTARD!
AdamBrewer: haha

I went to Tuesday's double header, Thursday's game, and Friday's game. 3/4 nights is pretty damned good so far. w00t! Go Kernels!

Thursday, April 11, 2002

More Words of Wisdom
If a man went insane for 5 days every 28 day cycle, they'd be committed into a mental hospital.
When a woman loses her mind for 5 days every 28 day cycle, they're normal--yet guys are the ones who supposedly have no thinking capacity. Hah.

Digging Through the Music Collection
During the past week I've been looking for something fresh to listen to out of my weak little collection of music and realized that bands like the Backstreet Boys and N'Sync are really good. Same with LFO, Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears, and Christina Aguilera. I've noticed that they really touch the heart, and give me hope in the hard times of my life.

100 Hits!
This has to be some kind of milestone or something....we've gotten over 100 unique hits today. Not too shabby for an E/N site only about 4 days old.

"Lemon face! Lime Face! Lemon Face! Lime Face!"


Andy Seyfer is a bigger fan of the Cedar Rapids Kernals than Andrew Swift and Adam Brewer combined.

"Now, how do you like THEM apples?"

Re: Re: God Damn I Hate Movie Quoters
"Hehe. And one time, at band camp..."

RE: God Damn I HATE Movie Quoters
'Word bitch, phatoms like a mo' fugger!'


RE: RE: RE: RE: Decline
father, what have i done?
i took that 22
a gift to me from you
to be with me each night
kept it clean, polished it well
cherished every cartridge every shell

down by the creek under brush under dirt
there's a carcass of my second kill
down, by the park, under stone, under pine
there's a carcass of my brother William
brother where, have you gone to?
i swear, I never thought I could
i see so many times
they told me to shoot straight
don't pull the trigger, squeeze
that will insure a kill
a kill is what you want
a kill is why we breed

RE: RE: Decline
save us
the human, existence
is failing, resistance
essential, the future
written off, the odds are
astronomically against us
only moron and genius
would fight a losing battle
against the super ego
when giving in is so damn comforting

and so we go, on with our lives
we know the truth but prefer lies
lies are simple, simple is bliss
why go against tradition when we can?
admit defeat, live in decline
be the victim of our own design
the status quo(?), built on suspect
why would anyone stick out their neck?
fellow members
club we've got ours
i'd like to introduce you to our host
hes got his, and ive got mine
we've got decline

Lost the battle, lost the war, lost the things we're living for, lost the will to win the fight, one more pill to kill the pain.

na na na na na
na na na na na
na na na na na
na na na na na

ph33r my job. I just got a call from JD and it seems I start Friday instead of Saturday. I <3 getting paid $6.50 an hour to be a bag boy. I love you CRCC.

Words of Wisdom
Bros before hoes. Never forget it.

Hy-Vee was a crappy job. Best Buy isn't a hell of a lot better. DIE BEST BUY!

New Veterans Memorial Stadium
What with working at Best Buy last night and also getting a better layout up, I haven't had an opportunity yet to throw in my two cents on the new baseball stadium and the Kernels. On Tuesday, as we were sitting around the dinner table, I threw the idea out at Zakk of going to the opening night games (specifically the second in the double header), and he said, "Oh well, what the hell.". Because the parking lots still aren't paved yet, we had to park a pretty sizeable distance away and walk, but no big deal, we aren't crotchedy old men.

We got first row seats, near the Quad City dugout, and caught the exciting end of the first game. They cost $7 a piece, but they were also paid for by dad, so no biggie. After the game, we went and found Swifty, and stood there and talked with him through the entire second game. From the beginning to the end of the second game, we stood there and talked to Usher Swift. He didn't move the entire time--just stood there and took in some great baseball. While Zakk and I paid money to get in, he was getting PAID to stand there. What a great job for him!

As for the stadium itself, there really isn't a bad seat in the place. I think everywhere would offer a good view, and I think the atmosphere at the stadium is truly electric and infectious. There's constantly music playing, activities between innings, stuff on the jumbotron, great concessions, TVs every few feet... and of course the smell of the crushed brick in the infield and the smell of clipped grass. It's baseball.

This layout looks much better. Everything looks great.

Wednesday, April 10, 2002

Re: Layout
Adam, couldn't agree with you more. I'm not a huge fan of the windows looking the red and yellow does not exactly measure high on the readability scale. Adam B. will ya please hook us up with a new layout?

This layout sucks and its hard to read. I'm going to bitch until someone else agrees.

I'd just like to give my two cents about girls. First off, I think that about 99.98% of all females in our school don't have their heads screwed on straight. As a result, that overwhelmingly large group does stupid stuff ALL THE TIME, and do not use their brains. This pisses me off. Secondly, girls that try and be deep are spewing emotional bullshit. Have you ever read any of that crap they write? It doesn't make sense and in turn should be banished and prohibited from all future literature in order to prevent killing brain cells. Lastly, I hate how girls will never confront a problem because they are intimidated or some other reason, and instead talk behind your back and exaggerate the conflict beyond thinkable means. All three of these reasons have lead me to one conclusion; If a girl doesn't like you sexually and wants a friendship, slap that hoe and walkoff.

Tuesday, April 09, 2002

RE: RE: My phone
Adam you can say fuck instead of freak. This is The Job Squad, not the Oprah Winfrey Squad.


My Phone
I'm not trying to be fancy pantsed. If my damned phone doesn't work the way it's supposed to, and I paid $60 for a Best Buy 3-Year Performance Service Plan, I'm sure as hell going to get my freaking money's worth and use it to get a phone that DOES work correctly. Is there ANYTHING wrong with that?

Don Stolley
I bet Swifty masturbates to his Don Stolley baseball.

RE: I Am the Musical Gestapo
Charlie = king-music.

Suicidal Tendancies ownz.

Monday, April 08, 2002

I lost my PCS phone signal halfway down the Marion Bypass today. My phone = screwed up big time. I used to lose signal all the way down East Post Road near Swifty's street... now I can't even get onto East Post coming from Best Buy before I drop a call. That is mad gay. Here's the new phone I'm gonna buy:
Sanyo SCP-5150

Charlie + No Meds + Urge to Pee = Funny
Charlie likes peeing on people's door handles, he got Chris James the other night. Tahooo.

Nascar Thunder
My youngest bro bought the game Nascar Thunder on Saturday and to be honest, I'm quite impressed. Normally, I hate the sport of nascar and its fans but this game is actually pretty cool. A full field of 43 drivers are out there with real tracks and real cars all complete with multiple skins. On top of it, the game requires real driving skills instead of tying down a rubber band to the controller and going in cirlcles (i.e. Gran Turismo 3). All people owning an xbox should definitely consider this a must buy game.

Re: Jay and Silent Bob
Swift, of course it's going to be overquoted. The movie is hilarious, and I think everyone that's seen it at one time or another substitutes their insults for ones used in the movie, not excluding yourself. On top of it, where else would you find something like "cock knocker"?

You are an idiot
You are an idiot