Thursday, June 06, 2002

I surrender
Okay, I tried... I really did. Nick always said that come summer we were going to "re-launch" The Job Squad... kind of an explosion of new articles and writing would resume it's normal levels. Well, go down and look at the few days below. I posted daily with three or four posts, and I got nothing in terms of backup. Here's an example you can understand Swifty: a pitcher goes out and throws a one-hitter... the only hit given up is a single home run... but he gets no run support--that's right, none, and the one-hitter loses the game. That's how it is here. I posted like three or four times a day, trying to spur comments and other posts, but alas, I guess nobody gives a flying fuck and couldn't take two seconds out of their busy summer lives to even write a few sentences... no one had to write like me... and Jesus Christ... I'm putting in thirty hour weeks at Best Buy this summer... and I still managed to post!!

But I give up. I've waited the past few days to see if anyone else would step up to the plate and they haven't. I tried to spur posts, I failed. I let the page sit empty and I still failed. Readers, if there are any of you left... and you are interested in posting--by all means, send me an email, and maybe we can bring TJS back from the dead. Maybe.

Sunday, June 02, 2002

Sweet Ass Program
Checking out the Winamp site to get the latest version of the music player that "really whips the Llama's ass", I ran across quite possibly the coolest plug-in I've ever seen in my life. It's MoodLogic--this sweet ass program that identifies all your MP3s, helps you fix your titles/ID3 tags, and let's you generate playlists by era, genre, tempo, mood, etc. Yes, it costs, unless of course, you go through and profile songs manually--every 5 songs you profile earns you 25 "activations", and if you do 50 profiles, you get 100 bonus "activations". Or you can just pay for it. Either way, it's definately something to check it--and in my opinion--maybe ever worth (GASP!) paying for.

Fun With the Attack of the Clones
As Beautiful Swift alluded to a day or so ago, we had quite the adventure going to see Attack of the Clones at the midnight showing. Charlie and Swift hooked Mike, Jamie, and I up with tickets, but that didn't go quite as planned. Jamie ended up unable to go, so Zakk pinch-hit in his stead. We decided that I would drive my little blue beast and pick everyone up. With my Kenwood MP919 blaring The Imperial March at top volume, we picked up Charlie, then Suave Swifty, then Mike. We headed out to Perkins with Charlie wearing his Boba Fett mask. Upon walking in, the place went silent for a few seconds as everyone checked out Charlie, then they started talking about Star Wars. As we went to order, Zakk and Swifty pulled the first Star Wars geek joke of the night... Zakk went to order a Tremendous Twelve when Swifty waved his hand and said, "A milkshake will be fine.". Zakk turned around and said, "Uhh... I guess I'll just have a milkshake." I don't think she got it, but we giggled at our Jedi Mind trick. Mike rolled his eyes.

Now remember, Charlie has not taken off his Boba Fett mask yet. He made sure he specifically ordered something where she would ask how he would want his food prepared. Charlie's answer? "It's no good to me burnt"--a play on the classic Boba Fett line to Darth Vader saying, "He's (Han Solo's) no good to me dead." Again, titters from the Star Wars geeks, and again, Mike couldn't believe he was in the company of such KNFs

Another joke we were going to pull if the waitress was a good sport (this particular one was not) was another Jedi Mind trick--regarding the bill. The idea was as she gave us the bill, Swifty waving his hand and saying, "For us, there will be no charge."

There's much more to share, particularily regarding the going-ons with Matt Ward and other fun stuff while waiting in line to be seated at the ubiquitous Wynnsong 12. Posted soon, I hope.

Future Porn Star/Future REAL Model: You Decide
Matt Ward and I have been discussing whether or not these 16 year old girls that have their own "modeling" sites are future porn stars, or will actually make it as REAL models. Well, I'm of the opinion that they are already whoring themselves out for money, so they will reach a point when if they can get more money by showing more skin... well... then they may very well take that. What kind of parents allow their girls to do this? I dunno, but they're mighty fine to look at!

Missy Model
Shannon Model

Cleaning your Start Menu
Well, it's something you've gotta do, unless you want to look like a computer retard: clean your start menu. If you're like me, you wait until you have to scroll it, then you say, "Damnit, I have to clean it now." Then you go uninstall all the dumbassed programs you installed for some reason or another over the past coupla months, and organize your useful programs into categories: Internet Apps, Games, Utilities, Multimedia, and so on. When you're done, it is much nicer looking. :)

Schwimmen denn im Schwimmbad
Well, Ward, Mike, and I did indeed go swimming last night, but we weren't the first. That honor belongs to Katie and Elise--who actually went swimming during the afternoon and deflowered the Hop Inn for 2002.

Saturday, June 01, 2002

Undercover Brother
Anyone see it yet? Is it actually any good?

Best Buy
I ended up doing customer service. It could've sucked big time, except I actually had a good sales night for once and pleased both my supervisor and senior. I sold four GameCubes in a matter of an hour, and attached loads of accessories and the replacement plan on every single one of them. I still wish I was tasking and just putting out DVD movies, but as the song goes, "You can't always get what you want..."

My pool is probably up to 72 degrees or so today. That's swimming temperature--albeit mighty cold. Anyone want to pop my pool's cherry for 2002?

I HATE allergies. I hate them, hate them, hate them. Hate them with a burning passion. ARGGGGH. There's nothing I hate more in the morning than waking up with my eyes itching like hell and looking like I smoked multiple blunts, and having my noise both stuffed and running at the same time (how this works, I'm entirely unaware). Plus there's that damn itching on the roof of my mouth, plus the fact that it would probably take a flamethrower exorcism to rid my mouth of all the nasty phlegm and snot that has found it's way in there. I can't wait for this damn spring to get over. C'mon dog days of Summer!

Charlie's Deck
I installed Charlie's new deck into his car last night. As I walked into Charlie's house with a big cardboard box in my hands, Calvin made the comment, "Hey Adam, whatchya doing--selling chocolates?" I didn't think it was that funny, but since Nick did his little weasel laugh, I figured I'd share it with you readers, too.

Friday, May 31, 2002

More Hot Shots Golf
I really think my appetite for gaming has fallen off the table lately. One game has proven that given a quality title, I can still be sucked in. Hot Shots Golf 3 is that game. Zakk, Mike, and I stayed up until three AM, passing the controller to the left every time you tied or lost a hole in match play to the computer--trying to unlock more characters. John Daly was a bitch, but we unlocked him. Only five more to go! This game rules!

The Elusive GOOD Night at Best Buy
Well, I have to work at 4:15 at Best Buy. But thankfully, I know it won't be that bad tonight. Why? Simply because I'm working with Joseph, who is my favorite boss, plus the chances are slim to none that I will be doing Customer Service. Priscilla Netto will be there--and since CS is her forté, I will be allowed to spend my night tasking. Tasking rules! Basically, I will be presented with a big cart of DVD movies. My job? Put movies on shelf--answer questions regarding DVDs. Simple, easy, and the time flies by. It's shifts like this that I actually (GASP!) enjoy Best Buy.

Thursday, May 30, 2002

Hot Shots Golf 3
This game is totally and completely badass. I've been enjoying the demo copy at Best Buy for weeks, and I'm glad I finally have one to call my own.

Drunken adventures at Squaw Creek
I've been waiting for the grand re-opening of The Job Squad to post this. After commencement (graduation for those less inclined), I headed over to Ward's house, as he had a lot of family in town celebrating. Mike and Matt both indulged in adult beverages (AKA Alcohol) and after they got good and laced, Ward got the idea that we should go golfing. It was 12:35 at night, but no matter, we could go golfing. So Ward and Mike jumped in my car, and we headed out to the Squaw Creek Golf Course.

After Ward, who could barely walk straight, duffed his tee-off so bad we had no clue where his ball even went, Mike and Matt just started running around. Matt ran up to me, and we had the following exchange:

Matt: You sm--you smell good.

Adam: I know, I'm wearing some Cur--

Matt: Adam, you smell good!! Sexy guy! Adam's--smell Adam! Adam smells good! DUDE, get off my six iron!

Mike: Dude...


Mike: Dude...

Matt: GET OFF!!

Mike: Agghhhh... OW... Ward lemme fucking...

You get the idea. Later on, Ward and Mike both laid down on the ground and started ROLLING around. They were screaming "wheeeeeeeeeeee!!" and telling me how I should do it too--it was so much fun. Not much later, Mike grabbed the first hole pin and threw it in a tree. Good times!

Bayz just reminded me... now that summer is here, BOWLING returns! Every Monday night, we'll make a trek out to the CR Bowling Center to get our bowl on again. Let's Bowl!

Saturday, May 25, 2002

After a long day of moving, it's finally looking like my work paid off. My surround system sounds the best it ever has down in the basement... because I took over 3 hours to wire the damned thing. The computer is now closer to the door, which is nice, because no one can sneak up on you anymore (way cool) and it's farther away from the noise of the TV and game systems.

Oh, and Chad is still King GT3.

Wednesday, May 15, 2002

Attack of the Clones
Suave Swift, Charlie, myself, Jamie, and Mike Keesy are all headed to the midnight showing of Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones at midnight tonight. I am super stoked. w00h00t!